21 Apr

The concept of money and what it does to create wealth is somewhat misleading to a lot of people. 

The concept of wealth for many is that money is accumulated in an account and then bears interest and grows over time. It is therefore surprising to learn that banks do the exact opposite to grow massive wealth

To be sure, banks tell us to leave our money on deposit with them for pennies of interest, then take that money and put it into motion by lending it out at a higher interest rate and repeat this process over and over. 

This concept is called the Velocity of Money. The faster they can circulate that dollar out and back to themselves with higher interest rates than what they are paying, the more money they make.   

Money is an employable asset to a bank and they put that money to work to the maximum extent possible. Fractional reserve lending allows each dollar to do multiple jobs and creates maximum leverage. 

Similarly, we can learn how to put our money to work canceling out interest that is working against us while simultaneously earning compound interest in our cash value life insurance contract, otherwise referred to as an AFIC or Accumulation Focused Insurance Contract that we provide for our clients via a "mutual insurance carrier". '

We can have all the things that we want our money to do, but also get back the money we spent to get those things as well!   

Reach out to me/us to see how we can put you in a position of maximum leverage and put your money to work!

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