
Household Debt

Total household debt rose by $16 billion to reach $17.06 trillion in the second quarter of 2023, according to the latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit

Credit card balances saw brisk growth, rising by $45 billion to a series high of $1.03 trillion. Other balances, which include retail credit cards and other consumer loans, and auto loans increased by $15 billion and $20 billion, respectively.

This information comes directly from the NY Fed site; Center for Microeconomic Data

If you have "ANY" debt at all.....do not wait a minute longer to find out how we can show you a way to ELIMINATE it WITHOUT spending a dollar more than you already are spending. 


You're probably thinking of retirement one day... You're looking forward to traveling, seeing new places, spending time with your family, starting that passion project you've always wanted to be part of, or you want to finally focus on your spouse (now that your kids are out of the house) But there's something lingering in your head... A thorn on your side... a question.........

  • "Am I financially ready?"
  • "What If I'm falling behind?"
  • "What if I run out of time?"

Unfortunately, MILLIONS of people each year reach their retirement age only to find themselves back at work for another 3, 5, 10+ years... Worse yet, there's no end in sight. 

You look at your 401(k) and it's dismal.......and you still have 25+ years left to go on your mortgage, a car note or two, consumer debt, credit cards, maybe some medical.......and Oh! and your kids' student loans. 

And still the nagging bills that hit your bank account each month. So you think... 

"How the heck am I going to be prepared!?" 

You're struggling to catch up and THAT my dear friend is the reality of most of my/our clients BEFORE they get started with us. 

GOOD NEWS:  Here's the new reality we give them... a New Hope... here is how we can help them and YOU:

  • Pay off the mortgage in as early as 5-7 years (saving up to 70%)
  • Get them and you on a path to accelerated investments like real estate to replace their/your income right away
  • Quickly eliminate mortgage/loans without sacrificing your lifestyle goals
  • Build a self-sustaining financing tools so you don't have to rely on the banks - we teach you how to "Become Your Own Bank"

I know that sounds like an impossible reality...or just a pipe dream... or something out of a late-night infomercial. I wouldn't be preaching about if it wasn't a reality for my/our clients! 

So you really only have two choices here........1st choice is you take the BLUE pill, you simply go back to your current reality with no plans and hope that your 401(k) will last enough. 


OR.......you take the RED Pill and instantly see how deep the rabbit hole goes.........(pathway to a new opportunity to break free from the financial restraints)   


The concept of money and what it does to create wealth is somewhat misleading to a lot of people. 

The concept of wealth for many is that money is accumulated in an account and then bears interest and grows over time. It is therefore surprising to learn that banks do the exact opposite to grow massive wealth

To be sure, banks tell us to leave our money on deposit with them for pennies of interest, then take that money and put it into motion by lending it out at a higher interest rate and repeat this process over and over. 

This concept is called the Velocity of Money. The faster they can circulate that dollar out and back to themselves with higher interest rates than what they are paying, the more money they make.   

Money is an employable asset to a bank and they put that money to work to the maximum extent possible. Fractional reserve lending allows each dollar to do multiple jobs and creates maximum leverage. 

Similarly, we can learn how to put our money to work canceling out interest that is working against us while simultaneously earning compound interest in our cash value life insurance contract, otherwise referred to as an AFIC or Accumulation Focused Insurance Contract that we provide for our clients via a "mutual insurance carrier". '

We can have all the things that we want our money to do, but also get back the money we spent to get those things as well!   

Reach out to me/us to see how we can put you in a position of maximum leverage and put your money to work!


All, if not most homeowners in America secure a 30 year mortgage on their home(s). This is very standard and then most homeowners will either sell their home [to move into something else] or refinance to consolidate debt. Now we know this happens [nationwide] approximately every 5 to 7 years.  What is the problem with this, you may ask? Well, glad you did ask and here is why - The lenders bank or plan on this in order to make the most of their dollars being loaned out because the cycle restarts each time a new home is purchase or refinanced for the homeowners, therefore alway [perpetually] putting off the day they or you can pay off the mortgage, henceforth retiring with "debt". 

We have many clients that have learned that this madness can end by merely and simply "MARRYING THEIR HOME AND DIVORCING THEIR DEBT".....stop refinancing to lower a rate, end up with a lower monthly payment, or consolidating your consumer debt under the umbrella of your home mortgage.

Learn what many have already learned and that is how to pay off our mortgage in 5 to 7 years without spending a dollar more than you are already spending.


Although we can eliminate the consumer debt in two years or less on average and create a short-term impact, the real power of guaranteed continuous uninterrupted compounding is created for long-term wealth generation long after all the debt is gone. 

So, what are the long-term benefits?  

·     Earning interest while we have use and control of our money 

·     Guaranteed wealth creation from money we are already spending

·     Dividend generation on an increasing account 

·     Protection against unforeseen financial circumstances

·     Insulation from means-tested qualifications 

·     Living benefits that become increasingly important with age 

·     Permanent death benefit for the WHEN not IF   

Financially successful people always have a long-term plan for their money even though they have short-term needs. 

We can customize a plan that eliminates all your debt 

and builds guaranteed wealth in your sleep!   

Give us a call today to learn how to put you in a position of certainty for your future!!!


Learn how to pay off debt and create wealth!

Are you a high income earner looking to take control of your financial future? 

The infinite banking concept, also known as "bank on yourself," "your family bank", etc., may be the solution you've been searching for. With the infinite banking concept, we use a "hybrid", what we refer to as an AFIC or "Accumulation Focused Insurance Contract" as the vehicle to achieve our objectives.

This specialized whole life insurance product is what is used as a "personal bank" to save and grow your money, earn a higher return than what you can earn saving it in a bank, and have more control over your financial future. 

Here's how it works: 

1. We provide you with a customized debt free report that shows how you can accelerate paying off all your debt [including real estate, student loans and all consumer debt] and at the same time growing wealth with guarantees. 

2. The AFIC is issued [once you qualify], then you pay premiums into the AFIC. The majority of the premiums are used to purchase the AFIC or dividend-paying participating whole life insurance contract. The dividends earned will be used to pay the premiums on the original contract, creating a self-sustaining system. 

3. As time passes, you can borrow money from the carrier, using your cash value as collateral. 

4. Your debt free report will identify to the exact time and date when you will pay off debt. Each time a debt is paid off the amount you have been paying monthly gets put back into your "bank" [you pay yourself back] and repeat the cycle till all debt is eliminated. 

5. Your cash value (CV) will continue to grow with uninterrupted growth. Compounding at a faster than normal rate.

As a high income earner, you have unique financial goals and challenges. The infinite banking concept offers a customizable and flexible solution to meet your specific needs. 

Plus, with the potential to earn a higher return on your investments, it can be a powerful tool to help you achieve your financial goals. Don't let your hard-earned money sit idle in a traditional bank account. Take control of your financial future with the infinite banking concept. Contact us today to learn more and get started.