Jim Houck
Advisor ~ Associate

My professional career started in 1991 after I finished post-graduate work in Journalism, shortly thereafter becoming a copywriter in advertising.

Over the next two decades I became an Executive Creative Director and helped build what became the number-one rated ad agency in world history [to this day] Crispin Porter & Bogusky. We grew the agency from $14MM in billings when I arrived, to $1.1Billion in billings. 

I then moved from advertising writing into cinema writing, becoming a Hollywood Writers Guild of America member (Hollywood screenplay and teleplay ((movies, TV)) union member), writing original screenplays for major studios like Warner Brothers, Universal Studios and Paramount Studios. 

When my good friend, Dennis, approached me to look at the world of what I call “bankless banking” I thought he was nuts. Then he said, “Jim, you can free people from the bondage of debt and kick the banks in the ass at the same time.” I was all in. I love the idea of helping people eliminate all debt, and take the business from the corrupted, fractional-lending “banks”, whom I see as a criminal cartel, and put it into a vehicle that is radically more secure and benefits our clients, not the criminal cartel of global banking.

So today I dedicate myself to educating families and business owners in the BEST ways possible to grow money and avoid the burdens of heavy taxation.